After the first chemotherapy session, about 2 weeks in, I lost a lot of hair. Every time I brushed my hair my brush had a generous wad of hair. I had to unclog the shower drain repeatedly, and to remove hair from my clothes. I could still pass for normal, no bald spots, but my hair got quite a bit thinner and I’ve got a slight skrillex on the sides.

I saw the writing on the wall, and started investigating options: I bought a couple of chemo hats - fabric head covers - and a couple of proper hats (a Fedora and a Baker Boy, I’ve learned a bit about hats in the last 3 months). Alice quite likes one of my chemo hats, inexplicably, and has taken to wearing it in bed.

But: in the second cycle of chemo, almost nothing fell out!

It looks like some sort of Darwinian culling happened the first time - the weaker hairs got weeded out and what remains are the tough scrappy ones that are hanging on. Looks like the cooling cap is working! Cross fingers.